
What makes Korean food healthy

Korean food is good for global spicy, aromatic and delicious known. But did you know that Korean cuisine also offers numerous health benefits? Korean food is so healthy that South Korea has an obesity rate of just 3.5 percent. Now, however, that obesity rate with variables such as the United States (34.4%), United Kingdom (25%), Mexico (30%) and New Zealand (25%).

Many can such a low rate of obesity genetics attribute of Asians than in Caucasians - the latter to build larger than in the former, etc. - but that's not true. Koreans are healthier than many people mainly because of their diet, the evidence provided by the Cambridge History of World Food Report, that found the average Korean meal contains 13 percent less fat than in the diet of Americans and Europeans.

General Health Benefits of Korean cuisine

Apart from the fact that Korean food is good for getting a non-obese population, but also offers many other health benefits. These benefits for good health will not be surprised if the ingredients, spices and cooking tools and materials, techniques and technologies will be applied as used.

The most common ingredient in Korean cuisine are vegetables, which we all know that it is full of the macro-and micro-nutrients essential in maintaining good health. For the main course and side dish for Green to fermented vegetables such as cabbage, bean sprouts and spinach are used liberally. Add in the generous use of garlic, ginger and other beneficial herbs and Korean cuisine is very healthy

Meat, however, is difficult, Korean cuisine has health benefits are increased. Even if it is a meat dish, Koreans prefer the slim and healthy types such as lean beef, chicken breast and fatty fish. As a result, the risks for heart and circulatory diseases are much lower, thanks to lower saturated fat and cholesterol content in the Korean kitchen.

are the kitchen tools, techniques and technologies for the production of food used in healthy Korean types. Grilling, stir-frying, braising and simmering are the most popular ways to cook Korean food, all of which, means that the food cooked in its own juice. In contrast, many foods in countries with high obesity as the United States are fried in oil barrels.

Here are a few of the expected health benefits if you take the mentality of Korean and Korean cuisine to food itself:

Reduced risk for cardiovascular diseases like high blood pressure and neurological disorders such as stroke and dementia

Lower risks for certain types of cancer because of the anti-carcinogenic effect of vegetables

More internal organs especially the liver and kidneys

Better digestion because of the increased appetite for easily digestible food

Stronger bones by the presence of isoflavones in beans and mushrooms

Healthier skin, since it lower amounts of preservatives

Nutrition information of Korean Food

Each of the popular Korean food has used its own health benefits because of the ingredients and cooking techniques to them. The following are some of the most popular:

Bulgogi is a grilled dish, consisting of marinated beef grilled chicken can also (DAK) and pork (dwaeji) are made. Since this is grilled over an open flame, it boils over his own juices, and thus not used oils. Is 310 calories per serving.

Jeyuk bokkeum is fiery pork with rice, lettuce, Chinese cabbage, perilla (Sesame leaves) and other large green leafy vegetables and slices of raw garlic and chili peppers. Calories per serving is 221st

Bibimbap is a little higher in calories - 560 calories for a single serving - than other types of Korean food, but the health benefits are still there, but thanks to the seasoned vegetables, tofu, egg, meat or seafood in the dish.

Ddukbokki rice cake with fish cakes, garlic and onions combined made. Very hot and spicy many benefits Gochujang and Chili's has assigned, as well as very low in fat. Consumption of 378 calories per serving.

A discussion about the health benefits of Korean cuisine is not without mention of kimchi, a traditional Korean condiment served from morning until night closed in almost all courts. It is known that the circulatory system because of the garlic, chili paste and fish as its main ingredients, click here to further improve health benefits of kimchi.

It's not just food that the Korean diet as healthy South Koreans also many health benefits gained from the drinks they consume, makes the teas such as green and full of antioxidants, ginseng and helpers while the bodies systems, such as beverages with barley-Shik Hye and barley tea to help digestion.

The adoption of a Korean food could help improve your health, to help you lose weight, prevent disease and improve miss your general well-being, as the Korean wave continues to gather steam and spreading around the world, not one of the world's richest cultures .

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