
What is table salt?

Table salt is mined from underground salt mines. It is highly refined and processed, and all natural minerals other than sodium and chloride were exempt.

What's inside

99.9% of table salt is sodium and chloride and is other.01% additives such as release agents, stabilizers and sugar. The most popular anti-caking agents that are used are sodium aluminum silicate and aluminum-calcium-silicate. Both contain aluminum, which is not only harmful to the body, but it also makes the bitter salt. Then twitch is added to remove the bitterness.

Most table salts contain iodine, an essential trace element to develop the body helps both mentally and physically. In order to prevent the iodine from the reduction is a stabilizer such as sodium bicarbonate, sodium carbonate or sodium thiosulfate added. Each brand of table salt contains slightly different ingredients, so you should always read your labels, if it avoided certain ingredients that you want.

The advantages

Salt is important for your health as it helps regulate water fluids in the body, helps to manage your weight and can help, osteoporosis, stomach ulcers, stomach cancer, kidney problems to prevent muscle cramps, heart arrhythmia and sudden death.

How much do you need

According to experts, the recommended daily intake of salt is only between 1,500 mg to 2400th This is equivalent to 1 tsp. Salt or less per day than 1 tsp. contains as much as 2400 mg sodium.

The health risks

Although salt is good for you, you should never consume it in excess amounts, as it can have negative effects on your health. Salt was highly processed and heated at high temperatures, which makes it harder for the body to absorb the salt. As a result, excess salt is formed in your body including your organs and other tissues, which in turn can lead to hyperthyroidism.

Table salt is also acidification of the body, because they do not neutralize the essential minerals, acids, sodium and chloride to create the body. An acidic environment makes room for serious diseases like cancer to form.

Excess salt is also associated with fluid retention, high blood pressure, heart failure and stroke.

Salt receive course

Although salt can provide you with many health benefits, the best way for you to get your salt is to eat lots of dark green vegetables. Not only will they supply you with your needs sodium, but they are also important your body with many other nutrients.

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