
The problem and Secret to healthy cooking

Trained as a father who cooks well, if I may say so, one of the most common things I am asked is how to cook healthy. It's like some big secret that I the key to when the truth is much easier to maintain.

Let's examine the problems first. Invented in recent days, in the microwave and television, families would sit down to was an meal, eating at a table, and the food be good and wholesome. When the TV came, and the microwave invented the idea of the TV dinner - all went out the window. The fact that women work late in their careers now left the desperate men and children to fend for themselves, and the microwave meal was the obvious choice. Of course I was a fool to suggest that women at work, the main cause of the health problems we see today was, but it can not be denied that it will contribute greatly to obesity before nations around the world.

Unfortunately, while fewer mothers played a role in internal politics, failed schools to adapt their teaching and educational policy to ensure that the next generation - male or female - would be able to cook for themselves. The schools are terrible role models themselves, serves students slop and swill as school lunches - and children are left to think that is the norm. Now it is not, and the company is now in a terrible state because not enough emphasis has lain down to mere healthy cooking techniques and general knowledge. It's such a simple thing to change but still, and it starts at home.

If the omission of microwave meals for your little children, I would go so far as to say that is damn near child abuse. But what can we do? What is the secret to a healthy diet?

It's easy. Buy fresh ingredients and cook something. It need not be complicated in the least - everyone can learn a quick fry in minutes. Just chop up some vegetables and some chicken fillets, and fry them with a little soy sauce. Since schools do not teach basic skills today, you are probably going to have to learn how to use a knife safely, but that's okay - it is a skill, and it is worth teaching. A quick Google or YouTube search for basic knife skills reveal a wealth of great videos.

The next step is clear that all unhealthy foods from the freezer box - it's not that you do not enjoy - and buy a fresh ingredients once or twice a week. It's really not too much trouble, and if you do not shop must carefully expensive. Here is a great money saving tip - you do not buy organic foods make a healthy meal. In fact, most organic and luxury brands simply packaged differently to the same products to deceive the consumer.

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