
The eggnog facts you should know

The eggnog is one of those classic holiday treats that everyone knows. It is an all-time Christmas treat, that the family can enjoy eating together.

But there is something else that we know about this holiday treat?

The earliest recorded year in the eggnog drunk was in 1607 in Jamestown, Virginia. People say that the word "nog" of an English word as "beer" was another name for alcohol. Other people say that Advocaat said from the Middle High German English term for "small, wooden, carved mug" that will be used to serve, drink.

The eggnog was from a hot drink called "Posset. This drink is made with sweetened milk and beer. As the years pass, the Americans adapted their own version of "Posset with cider and rum eggnog as you would find cures for the sick and infirm in old cookbooks. It became popular in the United States in the 18th Century, when the drink was crossing the Atlantic Ocean.

Advocaat is a heavy drinking, where a cup has 342 calories. 42 grams carbohydrates, 167 of them are coming from fat. If you want to enjoy the drink, but has problems because of the calories, you can create a low-fat eggnog, so you drink do not suffer the effects of holidays, especially in the areas of health and your stomach.

As delicious as the drink, you have a high risk of acquiring salmonella because it's made with raw eggs. You have no way to tell whether it is contaminated, when it of you.

This drink is dangerous for pregnant women because of the raw egg.

treat a problem with the delicious holiday is that eggnog is supplied only during the holidays. You would find eggnog from Thanksgiving holiday period to be completed. You'll find that continued as the beginning of the new year, reducing shares of the beverage and disposed of later, when it expires.

Yes eggnog is indulging in one of the best holiday beverages. Sometimes people ignore is high in fat, sugar and high carbohydrates. I would not blame them, since you would only get the taste for a few months of experience.

I have not tried the drink, and I'm looking forward to the creation of a "because I already found a recipe. What we can do, to enjoy it at the same time, sweating in short exercises to engage in the excess carbohydrates.

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