
Diet to lower triglycerides and cholesterol

When people undergo a blood test, there are four things the doctor will review carefully before revealing the results to the patient. It is about the level of triglycerides LDL, HDL and total cholesterol.

If any of these are well above normal, the doctor will make recommendations before it is too late. The board is most often invoked to make changes in the diet. This is because the numbers that come out can improve dramatically by changing the nature of food consumed.

People are well aware of what LDL and HDL is what is fundamentally good and bad cholesterol in the blood. There is not that much said about a triglyceride and is often referred to as a type of fat.

So what happens when there is too much triglyceride in the body? When a patient has too much of that in blood, this puts the person at greater risk of dying from heart disease.

The food is eaten can make this up or down even if the individual is not allowed to eat for at least 14 hours before check-up. The normal range should be between 10 and 250 mgs. / Dl, which unfortunately, many people exceed.

Studies show that many patients who have high levels of triglycerides also have high levels of total cholesterol. Good thing he can kill two birds with one stone by having a dietitian prepare a simple diet plan.

The basic plan involves eating foods that are low in fat. Breakfast for example can be whole grain breads with a little touch of egg white. The person should stop drinking coffee and replace it with unsweetened tea. Those who prefer milk should use non-fat or try some fresh juice instead.

The breakfast was light so the individual can have chicken without skin or the choice of lean cut meats such as flank, round, rump or sirloin served with vegetables on the side.

Bottled water is much healthier than ordering a can of soda, as it always has certain properties that are not good for someone looking to reduce cholesterol intake.

Those who want a quick bite as a snack can have fruit strips or vegetables. The person will not find it in the store to get up earlier in the morning or preparing this the night before is a good idea so the plastic container can be placed in the bag before going to work .

Dinner must also be taken because the body will soon rest and will not burn calories as much when we sleep. Steamed fish will do well or a little pasta. The individual may have a glass of red wine with meals to help get in the belly.

The practice of this healthy habit must not only be done when the home-cooked meal. This should also be made out to dinner with friends, because a slight disruption in the plan may have some consequences for someone trying to make some lifestyle changes.

Living a healthy life, free of high levels of triglycerides and cholesterol can be achieved. Just a little determination and discipline to get there.

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