
First fussy eaters to eat - nutrition for children

Tearing your hair about how to get your child to eat something close to a balanced diet? This article shares some tips from nutrition experts.

If meal dramas are a common sight in your household, you are not alone. The use of meal times, trying new foods, adapting to unusual textures and flavors is worrying for many children, especially young children.

At the same time preparing nutritious meals that are left uneaten and constantly with the selective a flatter, can take even a bite stressful for parents and carers.

Common complaints in the provision of child nutrition range from difficulties in introducing new foods to a dislike of certain species, especially leafy vegetables, whole grains and varieties such as brown rice and wholemeal bread.

In general, young children about the concept of trying new foods are mainly because of fear. The pressure from parents and force-feeding will make it worse.

Other explanations could be organic causes such as oral motor dysfunction, it is difficult to swallow certain types of food are making, a gradual assertion of independence and the desire of a say what he eats, peer pressure, the choosiness out, and maybe a previous unpleasant experience like choking .

For a child to develop proper eating habits, nutrition experts stress the importance of addressing this problem. Getting your child to eat a variety of foods is important to ensure a balanced diet and adequate nutrition.

Unhealthy eating habits or improper is not corrected spill over to adulthood, which may be more difficult to change. However, parents can take heart, because most children grow out of it until the age of six.

Strategies to coax fussy eaters

Let him be the boss - Ask your child to eat what he wants. On your next grocery shopping trip, let him take over the car and a say in picking new things he like to try. If he chooses, he is at least a bite.

1. Make it fun - you get him involved in the preparation of food. Have fun together cutting the vegetables or fruits in different shapes and sizes. Combine different foods with bright colors and make the court "to eat interesting."

2. Mix it up - If he shuns the bowl once he noticed a particular ingredient, try a different way of cooking. Some alternatives are pureeing or mashing and mixing it together with porridge or other types of his favorite food.

3. Encourage, not punish - Set up the praise, if he eats well, or try new food. Even if he refuses to cut the first time do not. Instead, you try again a week later and although in small portions.

4. Take a routine - Kids crave familiarity. Plan to hold regular meals and small but frequent meals with snacks in between, to supplement their staple diet. Examples of healthy snacks include milk, soy milk, cheese, fruit, fruit juices, yogurt and pudding.

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