
Bottled Water secrets hidden dangers

Barstow, Calif., recently had a serious problem. Jet fuel from a nearby military base had seeped into the city water supply and does not force people to drink or cook officials to press with the water. For more than a week, people used thousands of bottles of water in Barstow was cleaned up the public system.

While water in bottles is unlikely that a high level of fuel in it we did not really know what it contains other contaminants, because most companies to not disclose how they filter the water or anything contained therein to produce pollutants.

It would be nice to imagine, all bottled water comes from pure sources high in the Colorado Rockies or French Alps, but in fact most of it is city tap water, which may or may not be filtered. Our assumptions about the purity of the beverage industry has pushed to very high turnover.

A non-profit group, the Environmental Working Group study, water that had been bottled and found that only 2 brands disclose the source of their water and their treatment methods disclosed. These two offer the same test a water quality on their websites: Ozarka and Penta ultra-purified water.

Hidden Details

Another 18% of the mineral water brands known contamination test results, however, a majority of manufacturers are also not the source of the water or test results. The federal government has no requirements for testing or disclosure and water that is sold in the same condition in which it is produced is not covered by federal regulations at all.

Concerns about leaky bottles or BPA Bishphenol A in the content, the men are wary of bottled water for a second reason. Even when the water is filled into the bottle of pure white, that some types of plastic BPA issue in the content, and BPA has been identified as a carcinogenic chemical.

Given the uncertainty about the safety of bottled water, we can protect ourselves to a high quality home water treatment plant as one that a variety of techniques to filter a variety of biological and chemical contaminants start working.

take by using a stainless steel food bottle home-filtered water, you can make sure your family's health protection at a time when the news often tells stories of contaminated urban supplies. Click on the link below to find out how to test and to filter water and even pick up steel-to-go bottles.

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